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Abstract Water



Wherever your wedding has taken place, and no matter how careful you have tried to be, your wedding dress will undoubtably be in need of cleaning before you store it away.  Any marks or stains - no matter how minor they appear - will worsen over time and potentially cause permanent damage or discolouration if not treated before storing.  The delicate and often intricate fabrics in your dress will require specialist cleaning and the harsh solvents often used in standard Dry Cleaning methods are best avoided. 


We believe your dress should be cleaned with the same love and attention it was given the day that it was made.

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What we do...

Our wedding dress cleaning experts will use their extensive knowledge and expertise to treat each dress differently and our cleaning methods will be adapted to ensure that your dress is cleaned to achieve the best possible results. 


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A thorough examination of the dress will be carried out to identify all stains and marks with a view to identifying the best cleaning processes to be carried out. 


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Your dress will be hand finished to a professional standard using steaming and pressing methods. 



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Your dress will be carefully cleaned, layer by layer, using environmentally friendly detergents and products ensuring that it is cleaned thoroughly without damage to the delicate fabrics. 



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Your finished dress will be given an Ozone treatment to ensure that all bacteria and odours have been removed. 


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A further inspection will be carried out using a UV light to ensure that all staining and marks have been removed. Any areas found to require further attention will be treated accordingly and a second clean will be undertaken if necessary.


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The dress is now packaged carefully in a presentation box using acid-free tissue paper ready for you to safely store.


In order to keep your dress in the best possible condition for storage we recommend that you have it professionally cleaned as soon as possible after your big day. This gives us the best chance of removing any stains or marks that the dress has encountered.

Our technicians will examine your dress carefully before we proceed with any cleaning work and will speak to you to confirm a price and the estimated completion date. 

Once we have your full approval we will begin to work our magic! 

Included in our price is an Ozone treatment (normal cost £50) to fully sanitise the dress and to make sure that no lingering odours are present within the fabrics. 

When your dress is collected from us it will be presented boxed and packed with acid-free tissue paper to further protect it and prevent discolouration whilst the dress is stored. 

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